Many things have been happening in and around me. Politics. Economy. Adoption. Being - temporarily - a single parent. Lots of ups and lots of downs. Lots of doubts about everything I believed about this country. There has been much inner turmoil, there has been much hatred. There's a lot of insecurity and big decisions to make.
There's a lot of longing in me: longing for the desert, longing for the sea, longing for peace. Strangely enough, the sea I'd so like to visit is not the Mediterranean or the Red Sea. It's my sea, the Celtic Sea, with its cool, salty winds. More than ever before I feel myself deeply rooted in the land of the Emerald Isle - such a contrast to the deserts of Israel, where I also feel at home.
There is comfort in the words. There is comfort in the sounds. There is comfort in the abundance of the sea and in the lack of the desert. (to be continued)